Sweet right hook!

As a supporter of Beza Threads, you’re a heavyweight champion in our eyes.

We call you Rocky.

You punch exploitation right in the face.
You make pimps and abusers tap out of the game.
You fight for the underdog and give survivors the chance to thrive.

Here’s a blow-by-blow of your impact:

#1 - Supporting a small business. (We're not just talking about Beza Threads)

When we order the product from our partners in Ethiopia - we’re essentially supporting a small business. We’re buying the bags at a wholesale price - they’re buying the materials which supports their local economy and all the other awesome stuff that comes with supporting a small business anywhere.

#2 - The students learn.
(This is a BIG one! Possibly even the most important one...)

Here’s the thing - we know that 80% of survivors of human trafficking are vulnerable to being re-trafficked … UNLESS they have a job that pays them a living wage and treats them with dignity.

And with every product we order - we provide an opportunity for these students to get hands-on practice for a future job. They develop their skills, gain confidence, and the experience adds up to being self-sustaining - and free from exploitation for the long term.

So we teach them the skills they need in order to be able to go out into their community and work a job that will treat them well and pay them well.

We primarily highlight the leather students here (I mean - have you seen these bags?!) but that’s not the only option available to students. Some choose hairdressing, food preparation, or sewing/tailoring. All highly employable skill trades in Ethiopia.

YES! We love this for them.


#3 - More girls escape human trafficking.

Every year we help cover the costs of girls who want to escape exploitation - in a safe, healing environment.

They receive trauma-centered care, medical attention, clothing, housing, financial skill training, life skill training, and of course - job skill training. All to help set the students up for long-term success, and forever freedom.

[Want to hear something TOTALLY cool? Girls stuck in exploitation often learn about escaping from our survivors. YEAH - after graduating, students from the program will go back to the alleyways of their nightmares and tell other girls how to get free. I get goosebumps every time I think about it.]

The epitome of women helping women.


If you add up all of the above… you get a GENERATIONAL impact.

Lives are changed today in the here and now… which means THEIR kids’ lives are changed, their kids’ kids’ lives are changed, and so on to the nth degree.

The impact ripples out for generations to come.
The cycle of poverty and exploitation has been broken.

And it’s all because you bought a bag.

A beautiful, hand crafted, gorgeous genuine leather bag.

Something so simple makes an unimaginable impact.

Like I really don’t think our brains are fully grasping the impact this makes.

You help us come out swinging every day.

Thanks for being in our corner, Breanna

Beza Threads

P.S. Help us go head-to-head, we don’t have championship belts, but we do have some gorgeous bags and wallets! Pick your bag and know you’re helping deliver one sweet KO (knock-out) blow to a global injustice.


These are just some of the girls/women you’re fighting for:

Breanna Owen